Application to nonlinear systems

The theory above lets us analyze nonlinear systems by linearizing about fixed points. We'll do this in a simple predator-prey model:

The deterministic differential equations are $$\begin{aligned} \frac{d n_1}{dt} &= \theta - a n_1 n_2 \\ \frac{d n_2}{dt} &= \epsilon a n_1 n_2 - \delta n_2 . \end{aligned}$$

Exercise: which is the prey and which is the predator?

Exercise: Make a more realistic story for how much prey each predator eats.

Stable points

To get stable points, we need to solve for when predator and prey numbers do not change. Predator numbers do not change if $dn_2/dt = 0$, i.e., if $$ n_2 (\epsilon a n_1 - \delta) = 0 . $$ This happens if either $n_2 = 0$ (naturally), or if $n_1 = \delta / (\epsilon a)$. Prey numbers do not change if $dn_1/dt = 0$, i.e., if $$ n_2 = \theta / (a n_1) . $$ Putting this together, we have one equilibrium: $$\begin{aligned} n_1^* &= \frac{\delta}{\epsilon a} \\ n_2^* &= \frac{\theta \epsilon}{\delta} . \end{aligned}$$

Local approximations

Ok, so what's going on near that equilibrium? Let's reparameterize, so that $x_1$ is the deviation of numbers of prey from equilibrium, and $x_2$ is the deviation of the number of predators: $$\begin{aligned} n_1 &= n_1^* + x_1 \\ n_2 &= n_2^* + x_2 \end{aligned}$$ The deterministic differential equations are, rewritten: $$\begin{aligned} \frac{d x_1}{dt} &= \theta - a (n_1^* + x_1) (n_2^* + x_2) \\ &= \theta - a n_1^* n_2^* - a (n_1^* x_2 + x_1 n_2^* + x_1 x_2) \\ &= - a (n_1^* x_2 + x_1 n_2^* + x_1 x_2) \\ &\approx - a (n_1^* x_2 + x_1 n_2^*) \\ &= - \frac{a \epsilon \theta }{ \delta } x_1 - \frac{ \delta }{ \epsilon } x_2 \\ \frac{d x_2}{dt} &= \left(\epsilon a (n_1^* + x_1) - \delta \right) (n_2^* + x_2) \\ &= \left(\epsilon a n_1^* - \delta\right) n_2^* + \epsilon a x_1 n_2^* - \delta x_2 + a x_1 x_2 \\ &\approx \left(\epsilon a n_1^* - \delta \right) x_2 + \epsilon a x_1 n_2^* \\ &= \frac{\epsilon^2 a \theta }{ \delta} x_1 . \end{aligned}$$ The steps here are (1) use the fact that $(n_1^*, n_2^*)$ is an equilibrium (so some terms become zero), and (2) only keeping terms to first order in $x_1$ and $x_2$.

This says that, if the system is near the nonzero equilibrium, it acts like the linear system whose matrix is $$ J = \begin{bmatrix}

- \frac{a \epsilon \theta }{ \delta } & - \frac{ \delta }{ \epsilon } \\
 \frac{\epsilon^2 a \theta }{ \delta} & 0 

\end{bmatrix} $$

i.e., $$ \frac{dx}{dt} = J x $$

Stability analysis

Let's see now how the eigenvalues of $J$ change as we adjust $\delta$.

Ah-ha: there is some value of $\delta$ at which point the two eigenvalues hit each other, then move off in the imaginary axis! For $\delta$ above that point, the system should oscillate as it converges.


Find the value of $\delta$ at which the top eigenvalue of $J$ leaves the real line.